Our marriage is the center of our family. And our kiddos are like little satellites orbiting around us. HubbyHubby and I have three school-age girls. We both work and have full lives. When the girls were 1, 3 and 5, we started getting babysitters for date night. At first, the girls did not like Mommy and Daddy going out. We kept our dates short, and made sure the girls had a great sitter and lots of fun activities planned. Can you go out with your hubby this Friday? You've got little babies at home? No problem. Plan a special something for your hubby:
Start a list of ways to carve out special time for your marriage every day. You can do it. And don't forget the panties! Here are a dozen more times when I told HubbyHubby he was my hero:
1. He unloaded the dishwasher. 2. He made the bed. 3. He took the kids on a bike ride and swimming. 4. He had a hugely successful business meeting with a client. 5. He scheduled a camping vacation for the family. 6. He volunteered to be a chaperone for the 4th-grade field trip. 7. He balanced the checkbook and shared the budget with me. 8. He organized the garage. 9. He read a bedtime story to our 1st-grader. 10. He swinged on the hammock with me after dinner and we listened to the kids play. 11. He listened to our 2nd-grader read. 12. He cooked our dinner out on the grill. The list goes on and on. This Week: Pay close attention for opportunities to tell your hubby that he is your hero. HubbyHubby loves, loves, loves football.
During game season, I make a good, honest effort to watch every game, right by his side. I learn about HubbyHubby's favorite team and his favorite players, celebrate with him when his team wins, and I'm sad when they lose. HubbyHubby loves to have nachos or Sloppy Joes on game day, so I'm always planning ahead for his favorite meals. I'm interested in the games and listen to everything he has to say about them. I adapt to HubbyHubby. Weather it's football, "Star Trek," scuba diving, sports, video games, biking, movies--whatever it is--we adapt to our hubbies. Show a little interest. What does your hubby love to do? Get out your pom-poms and adapt to your hubby. HubbyHubby plays with the kids.
Thank God. Thank God that he loves spending time with the kids. One: it's freeing. Two: It's a genuine characteristic of a man that turns me on. I love seeing the kiddos surround HubbyHubby and play--just play--and seeing all of them truly enjoying themselves, being with each other. I know I've got it good when I witness those precious moments. And ladies... there's something paleo, primal, and basic-instinct about a man playing with your kids. I get all tingly. Honestly, it's a turn-on when HubbyHubby plays with the kids. This Week: When your hubby is playing with the kids, take a long look at that good man. On Mother's Day, HubbyHubby and the girls came home and surprised me with a brand new couch.
But it was NOT the couch I wanted; in fact, I hated it. I smiled, clapped my hands, jumped up and down, threw my arms around HubbyHubby, kissed him, squeezed him, and thanked him with all my heart and soul. HubbyHubby's heart and life and feelings are more important to me than anyTHING in this world. The next time your hubby surprises you with something, can you remember to be thankful and love him up instead of tearing him down? |
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