After I submit to HubbyHubby in a given category or situation, then I expect him to be right.
What decision has your hubby made that gives you the opportunity to expect him to be right? Children are a reward, a blessing and a joy.
And marriage is the center of the family. Therefore, your husband comes first. He takes precedence. And that means to make sure his needs are met. And how is that done? A long time ago, I asked HubbyHubby, "How do I make sure your needs are met without acting like your mother?" He said, "Just ask me, 'Is there anything you need today?'" That's simple. Every morning and every evening, I always ask HubbyHubby, "Babe, what can I do for you?" or "Is there anything you need today?" This Week: What's your hubby need? Go on and ask him. Tonight is date night. Hallelujah!
HubbyHubby and I go on a date every week. And, boy, do I look forward to it. I plan my outfit days in advance. I line up a sitter and make sure the kiddos have their favorite dinner and treats. When the girls were little, we dated around nap times and nursing schedules. The dates were short, but we made them happen. If we couldn't get out of the house for a date, then we would have a candlelight-picnic date or a movie-and-popcorn date--anything to carve out a special, special time and place for just us. Another trick to make it special is to wear a special outfit, something different than what you wear every day--maybe some different accessories, like an evening bag, jewelry, heels, perfume--something, anything, that shows hubby that this time is special and you are thinking of impressing him. Here's a list of date night ideas:
What kinds of date nights do you and your hubby go on? What kinds of dates did you go on before you were married? |
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May 2021