Your husband is to love you as he loves himself. Your are to be the #1 priority in his life. You come first.
With this in mind, we are to reverence our husband. We give our husbands honor and respect. This is done by believing and trusting in his decisions. As the head of the relationship and with the leadership he provides, we can know for a certainty that his decisions are made for the greatest blessing of the entire family. When our husbands make these decisions, we back them up and support them believing in them with our whole heart. We respect and reverence our husband; notice him, regard him, honor him, prefer him, venerate, and esteem him; we defer to him, praise him and love and admire him exceedingly. When we have this mindset and heart toward our husband, then we treat him with this way with our actions. A loving wife who wants the greatest marriage ever will do these things for her husband. You see, men love and live for honor, respect, words of appreciation, and admiration. They just live for it. It is the air they breathe. And the more you give it to them, the stronger and more confident they will be and this will make them the greatest husband on the planet. Your husband will adore you and will set the moon and stars at your feet. He will treat you with such tenderness and love that your heart will melt and you’ll do anything to build him up and admire him exceedingly. When we defer to our husband and have good open, honest communication with him, we are always blessed. We have special qualities and traits that we build in our lives so that we can be our best for our husbands. When we develop these areas of our life we are strong in all ways and are prepared to bring out the best in our husbands by helping them. As you develop a heart of respect and reverence for your husband, he will safely trust in you because you have his best interests at heart; spiritually, mentally and physically. Your husband will confide in you, place hope and confidence in you and be secure without fear. We do what strengthens and builds up our husband as long as there is life within us. Your husband will come to you with confidence, knowing the love and believing you have for him. As wives we set our heart to love, submit to, to respect and to build up our man and be that companion that he needs. When you do good by your husband you are an asset to him. Your support, admiration, and encouragement will strengthen your man; make his burden lighter and his worries less. When your man is treated this way he will be his best for you; treat you like gold; nurture, protect, care for and love you unconditionally. It’s a win-win situation. We fully share with our husband in the sweetness of our companionship. We each do our best to do good to the most important person in our life. The words we speak to each other have a huge impact on our marriage; positive or negative. It is so very important to speak good, thoughtful, encouraging words that build each other up and never criticize or tear each other down - ever. We open our mouth with wisdom, and we speak with the law of kindness - always. If I don’t have something nice to say, I keep my mouth shut and think of something wonderful to say to my husband. The more good, encouraging words you say to him the better you life will be. Promise. There are life and death in the tongue. Do you want to bring life or destruction to your marriage? A great wife controls her words and speaks with wisdom; knowing when and where to bring up things that are on her heart. For example, I know that the minute we both walk in the door from work and school is NOT the time to tell my husband the scary financial discovery I made in our retirement plan. I also know NOT to unload some major news about our teenager at 10PM. You are the only one who know your husband and the working of your marriage well enough to speak with wisdom. As wives, we know when to speak up and when silence is best. There will be rough times in the marriage because two people don’t alway see things eye to eye on everything. The solutions that are worked out will build depth into your marriage and make it more gratifying. As you apply these principals your marriage will grow stronger and your relationship with your husband will be more powerful. When we speak it should be done with a full flow of natural affection and sincere kindness and affection - not hardness, and never to tear down. We communicate our appreciation and love. You are a wonderful asset to your husband. When we know our role in the relationship and the purpose for marriage, we need not be tossed to and fro by what the world and media have to say about the virtuous woman. We can be confident in how to love and treat our man and know that our marriage will be exceeding, abundant, above all that we could ask or think. There are fantastic books on marriage, and we can learn a lot from them; however when we know the purpose for marriage, our role in the marriage, and how the marriage relationship works; we can find and use the helpful parts while staying focused on the core principals of marriage. Proverbs 12:4 A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that taketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones. We are a crown to our husband, an adornment. We don't make him ashamed or disgrace him by our words or actions. This would not be a helpmeet; instead, this would break down our husbands. Another thing we don’t want in our lives is being contentious. Proverbs 19:13 A foolish son is the calamity of his father, and the contentions of a wife are the continual dropping. Proverbs 27:15 A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike. The Eastern homes in the Bible times had flat roofs that would sometimes leak when it rained. The dripping would irritate people and cause damage to the home. Have you ever been around a woman that is irritating? She often acts contradictory and has an exhausting tendency to arguments and bickering. This is especially directed to her husband. I know a wife like this and believe me when we are out together with other couples; it’s embarrassing and humiliating to watch. This is not a helpmeet who speaks with wisdom. An argumentative, contentious wife and a leaking roof are both very annoying and both need to stop. We have power in the words we speak to either tear down or build up our husbands. Our communication, the way we speak to our husband, what we say, and our tone of voice are very important as a helpmeet. Sarah is a great example of a strong helpmeet to her husband. She went where he went; not as his shadow but as a strong, supportive, believing helpmeet. She shared his purposes and dreams. We don’t have to literally go where our husbands go, but our heart and mindset can be like that of Sarah’s. Our thoughts, actions, words, and intentions are all based on helping our husband by bringing out the best in him by our assistance. We have great respect for our husbands as we listen attentively because he directs the way of the household. Then we enjoy the companionship of a wonderful devoted husband who will lay the sun, moon, and stars at your feet to bless you and cherish you. As a helpmeet, we a recognize our husband as the head of the house. Someone has to be the captain of the ship; every pilot has a co-pilot, and even the president of the United States has a Vice President. A strong, virtuous wife lovingly obeys her husband, supports him and brings out the best in him. I trust and believe in my husband to be his best for me and our family. With this mindset, I decide to be a good wife and good mother. Being a good wife and a good mother is a decision and when we follow the correct guidelines and responsibilities, our marriage will be sweet and wonderful. A loving wife stands alongside her husband and they work together to build their marriage and family so that their home can be a peaceful haven that is conducive to learning and growing in God’s Word. God’s purpose for marriage is companionship and when we understand and live our unique responsibility as a helpmeet to our husband; one who brings out the best in him by assistance, then we can enjoy the loving tender companionship that marriage was design to be. The love and respect that we have towards our husband are very important. It can make or break them. Being disgraceful, angry, bitter and contentious are not traits we want to have in our marriage. Our loving companionship in marriage is filled with faithfulness, trust, obedience and confidence in our husband. When we support our husband, move with, and believe in him; we will be fulfilled in our marriage relationship. We can live joyfully, loving each other all the days of our lives in sweet companionship, power, and strength. |
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May 2021